
Conflict in life

Remember that our Life is saying "YES". With Yes though, there is always "No". Without the no, you cannot say yes. You must be able to say no. Without no, your yes is useless and powerless. You are saying yes, but at the same time be able to say no.


First of all, we have to know that, and learn to accept our own ambiguities. Sometimes, we want everything to be clear but that cannot be. Sometimes, yes, you can ask for clarity but not always. Sometimes you have to learn to live in ambiguity and carry on; it is not always possible to be clear. Certain relationships, love, yourself and where you stand, these cannot always be clear. Understand I am speaking of generalities, but remember all these things. Secondly, also remember, there are your own values to consider; what are you standing for? This is very important. For, when you stand for something you need to say no to what is against it.

- Ama Samy in Conflict in life

Filed in on November 18, 2011. 0 comments. Edit.

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