
Your original face

The original face is spaciousness. It is letting be. It is being. It is realized in Zazen practice. Dogen says that Zazen practice is the dropping of body and mind. This means that your body and mind are not separate individual substances. Your self is the universe and the universe is sitting in zazen. All the world is manifested in this awareness and emptiness. So take care! What about no thoughts, no fantasies, no imaginations and no emotions? When there are no imaginations and no thoughts or fantasies, you cannot become aware of your original face! The point is not to identify yourself with any particular thing; this is the point of no-thought. When Zen says no thought, no imagination and no emotions, it does not mean literally no thoughts and no imagination, just that you should not identify yourself with these. You are greater and bigger! You are not simply your emotion, thoughts and you are not simply your problems. These things are important and you must care for them but you are greater; you are greater and deeper! You have a depth that embraces the whole universe. The self embraces the whole universe.

- Ama Samy in Your Original Face

Filed in on November 19, 2011. 0 comments. Edit.

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